Everything You Need To Know About Sewer Camera Inspection 

Sewer Camera Inspection 

The worst nightmare of every homeowner is sewer repair. It’s intrusive, expensive, and takes a long time. Aside from the repair, you’re also paying someone to dig up your lovely yard. You don’t have a choice..or do you? Here comes the plumbing camera.

The symptoms of a blocked sewage line are typically recognized by homeowners: a slow drain, persistent clogging, and unpleasant odors. The majority of homeowners are unaware of what to do about it. Call Eco Pro Plumbing for the solution! With the help of their skilled sewer camera inspections, they make sewage line repairs simple. The outcomes of this visual assessment can help identify specific problems inside the sewer system. They also offer the best plumbing repair in Brantford. Learn more by reading on!

Purpose of Sewer Line Inspection Camera

An inspection camera for sewer lines is a long, robotic snake with a small camera at the end. It lets plumbers see what’s happening in your pipes in real-time. Plumbers can find and diagnose issues that they could only speculate about before using the camera since it can bend and twist around the curvature of your pipes.

How Does The Camera Work?

For the camera to broadcast everything to a little screen for the plumber to observe, one of the experts will put the flexible rod holding the camera into the problematic drain or pipe. The rod is equipped with powerful LED lights that enable the camera to capture even in the darkest areas. To be able to track down the problem after fixing it, they will film the entire procedure.

What kinds of issues will the Camera Detect?

The following issues are the most typical ones the plumber with the sewage line camera might discover:

  • Pipe Problems: Over time, pipes can shift at strange angles, which makes them susceptible to cracks or misalignment.
  • Tree Roots: On occasion, tree roots encroach into a sewer system.
  • Corrosion: While more recent PVC pipes are unlikely to undergo corrosion, older metal pipes are more likely to do so.
  • Blockages: A camera can pinpoint the exact location of a blockage to make removal easier. Blockages can occur in pipes for a variety of reasons.
  • Leaks: Cameras can detect pipe leaks, facilitating quicker and simpler repairs.

Why is this Method Effective?

Digging down to your sewer pipes directly is the sole method for diagnosing sewer pipe issues without camera inspection. The method of digging is expensive, slow, and damaging. It also necessitates a good deal of trial and error. The experts keep looking until they identify the issue. 

The experts can determine the specific location of the issue with the assistance of the inspection camera. They can fix it with little inconvenience to your house once they have the information. For instance, they can bypass a lengthy pipe segment and get right to the source.

Another advantage of a camera inspection is that it can find all of the sewer lines’ issues, not just the most serious ones. Camera examinations frequently identify the root cause of recurring issues. In the end, camera inspections provide you with a much greater understanding of the performance and condition of your sewer lines.

When to use a Sewer Camera Inspection?

Sewer camera checks are a quick and straightforward way to assess the condition of your plumbing systems and find problems early on before they require costly repairs.

Sewer camera inspections can be beneficial in the following two circumstances:

  1. Older Homes 

Most homes older than 20 are susceptible to sewage system problems. Your sewage piping may still be attached to a cesspool if your house was constructed before a city sewer line was installed. Cesspools provide a significant risk of sinking and collapse, even if your pipe has been switched to the city sewer line. In this situation, a sewer camera examination may prove to be a smart decision.

  • Sewer Backup Issues

If you have plumbing problems, don’t delay sewer camera inspections. By catching minor issues early, you can resolve them before they become more extensive and more expensive.

If there is a possible sewer blockage, you might notice one or more of these symptoms:

  • The toilets won’t flush deeply
  • Flushing a toilet or draining a sink or tub creates bubbles
  • Backups in one plumbing component impact other plumbing components.
  • There are clogged drains throughout.
  • The existence of a foul odor near drains

Any of these symptoms requires a more thorough investigation to ascertain the cause. The quicker the problem is identified and fixed, the better.